Let’s talk future goals.

What does the image represent?


Maggie Brennan


Educational Consulting


December 27, 2020


Brennan consulting

s I’m writing this, 2020 is just about over (thank god) and I’m already planning my small socially-distant-New Year’s Eve party. You see, I love this time of year because it makes me feel like there is a new beginning just around the corner.

If I organize it well enough, then maybe, just maybe, I can make everything better next year. 

In that vein, let’s think outside the box and change some things about our 9 to 5s. How can we make them better? I mean, really, what would it take to make your job a place you wanted to go to, each and every day?

I’m sure you love certain parts of your job, right? Me too! But there are a lot of parts of it that are crazy bad and pretty much impossible. 

Change for the better?

Just for a minute, let’s pretend that we have absolute control, like dictatorship-level control over the entire school system.  Meaning, whatever you say goes.

With that type of power, how would you change things for the better

Let’s wave our magic wands and come up with some good ideas, shall we?


In my humble opinion, this is what all schools should offer:

  • All professional development sessions should include either mani/pedis or 20-minute massages.

      • Now that’s some “sit and get” training that I can get behind!
  • There should be as much preparation time for your classes as there is in-class teaching time. 

      • Good lessons take a lot of time to organize.
  • Each teacher should get a yearly stipend to spend at their discretion. 

      • Maybe a document camera, a comfortable chair or anti-glare glasses??
  • Yoga, meditation or other exercise classes should be offered a few times a week. 

      • The teacher’s mental and physical health is a fundamental part of the job.
  • Maybe even a free salad bar, with healthy fruits and vegetables too. 

      • My last job had this, and it was a life saver at lunch time!

Ok, some of those ideas are more realistic than others, but still, they are worth looking into! 

If the administrators want to encourage thoughtful, creative and healthy teachers, then they should find the money to put some of these types of things into place.


Now that you’ve gotten me started, I have a few other things I think need changing. 

For example, I have never understood why we teach Advanced Algebra and Trigonometry, yet we don’t teach basic accounting skills or childcare skills. Sorry to attack the math department here, but some I feel pretty strongly about this.  

Everyone in the world needs basic life skills, but only a very select few will need to solve for “X” any time in their lives! 

math teacher

Here is what I think every High School in the world should teach:

  • Microeconomics (not macro)

      • How to not go into credit card debit
      • The importance of saving money (cash, retirement funds, investments, etc)
      • How to manage a mortgage
      • The difference between buying a car and leasing a car
  • Child care skills

      • How to change a diaper
      • CPR
      • Basic information about children’s eating, sleeping, growth etc. 
  • Home Skills

      • Everyone needs to know how to sew a button or cook a basic meal. 
  • Car Mechanics

      • At one point in all of our lives, we’re going to have a flat tire or an overheated car. 
      • Did I ever tell you that I literally had a flat tire in the Zahara desert once? True story. 

So, what do you think?

What are your suggestions to make your school or your jobs better in 2021? 

How can you improve the quality of life for you and those around you?


Remember that it’s always easier to criticize what the school is currently doing, rather than to offer solutions as to what would work better.  I know that sounds a little preachy, but honestly, it’s true.

I just thought of another thing for my wish list: when I come up with a great solution to a problem at my school, I would love for the administrators to actually listen to me and value my opinion. Working together as a community is so incredibly important for everyone involved.

I would love to hear your opinions, ideas or proposals. Make a comment below. I’m all ears!

Happy 2021 everyone. Enjoy the journey. 

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